The planets are our neighbors in the solar system. The information on this page is given for your position.
When are the Planets Visible?
The following table of the rise and set times of the planets today. Click on the title of a column to sort the table by it. The apparent magnitude [mag] is displayed for the current time.
Planet | Rise | Set | Magnitude |
Mercury | 06:14 AM | 03:31 PM | -0.709 |
Venus | 04:47 AM | 03:00 PM | -3.915 |
Mars | 02:10 PM | 03:15 AM | -1.347 |
Jupiter | 11:21 AM | 07:38 PM | -2.053 |
Saturn | 11:29 AM | 07:55 PM | 0.504 |
Uranus | 02:52 PM | 05:17 AM | 5.674 |
Neptune | 01:23 PM | 12:36 AM | 7.871 |
Finding Planets in the Sky
The virtual planetarium makes it possible to follow the positions of the visible planets in real time. The light blue numbers indicate the compass direction. The planets are displayed in a horizontal coordinate system.